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Saturday 28 December 2013

Reduce the size of nasal polyps with castor oil

Nasal polyps are soft growths, usually benign that occur in the inner linings of the nasal cavities. The growth cause the inflammation of the sinuses and hence the nasal polyps. The polyps are so soft that they are almost jelly like. They are off white in color and cause breathing difficulties. A running nose and other olfactory problems are common symptoms of nasal polyps. Usually nasal polyps are misdiagnosed as nasal or sinus infections and allergies.
If the polyps are small and fine, they are unlikely to cause any trouble. However, the larger polyps cause rhinitis which is severely allergic and may also cause migraines. There is also loud snoring accompanied with several changes in the facial structure.
Though nasal polyps can afflict anyone, they are commonly observed in people over forty years of age or asthmatics. Also people who are allergic to hay fall easy prey to nasal polyps. The disorder is also commonly observed in people who are prone to sinus infections and cystic fibrosis. The larger nasal polyps are not easily treatable and have a tendency to re-occur. They tend to block the respiratory passage and create difficulties in breathing. Therefore the only long term solution is surgery. The smaller polyps however, can be treated with medications and even several home remedies.
Nasal polyps generally occur in the sinus cavities near the nose and are usually stemmed out of allergies. It so happens that the blood vessels present in the lining of the nasal cavities are rather permeable. Sometimes therefore, there could be an accumulation of water in the cavities and the stagnant water leads to the formation of nasal polyps.
If you are an asthmatic suffering from nasal polyps, it is best that you avoid the use of medicines with aspirin. Aspirin could aggravate your asthma by causing shortness of breath. Though it is difficult to do so, try to avoid pollution as much as you can. Outside irritants and allergens are the main cause of occurrence of polyps.
To reduce the size of nasal polyps, take a teaspoon of castor oil everyday. Castor oil warms up the nasal cavity and helps reduce the size of the polyps. You can also daub castor oil on your stomach using a warm wet towel, on your stomach.
Mix one fourth of a teaspoon of citric acid with the same amount of baking soda and swallow it with warm water two to three times a day. This helps in increasing the alkalinity of the body and increases the oxygen intake.
Zinc and selenium supplements have also proven to help in shrinking the nasal polyps.


Pada tahun 2010, kerana penambahan berat badan yang mendadak dan kerjaya yang memerlukan saya berdiri berjam jam, saya mengalami sakit sendi di bahagian lutut. Suatu ketika saya sedang duduk dan cuba berdiri, lutut saya sangat sakit dan saya tidak mampu untuk berdiri tegak. Ianya sangat sakit dan saya mengambil masa lebih kurang 10 minit untuk berdiri dengan tegak.

Malam itu, saya melayari internet dan mencari penawar sakit lutut, ianya membawa saya ke pautan tentang castor oil dan kegunaannya. Salah satunya ia dikatakan mampu meringankan sakit sendi.

Ia kemudian menjadi misi saya untuk mencari minyak ini, namun setiap gedung farmasi yang dilawati tidak menyimpan minyak ini. Saya cuba mencari di kedai runcit India yang dikatakan menjualnya namun masih gagal.

Beberapa bulan kemudian saya telah mendapatkan minyak ini dari Amerika Syarikat. Ia adalah dari jenama yang terkemuka iaitu Heritage Product. Setelah mendapatkannya, saya terus mencuba minyak tersebut. Saya banyak menonton youtube tentang cara2 menggunakan castor oil. Ternyata selepas 2 kali meggunakan keadah castor pack, sakit lutut yang saya alami telah hilang.. Saya agak sukar mempercayainya kerana kesannya yang begitu pantas. Walau bagaimana pun saya amat bersyukur sekali kerana ternyata ia berkesan untuk saya.

Sesekali apabila bila sendi lutut saya sakit, saya melakukan keadah castor oil pack, dan ianya memang tidak menghampakan saya.

Credits to : Mary

Friday 27 December 2013

Castor Oil Relieve Joint Pain

How to Use Castor Oil for Joint Pain

Joint pain is triggered due to several reasons like improper postures or movements causing the muscles of a joint to be stressed or strained and even due to arthritis, in case of senior citizens. Not only can this be a bothersome issue, it can also cause a hindrance in the daily activities. To curb the pain, the use of castor oil, as pack or poultices is recommended. The idea of external application of castor oil, in the form of packs, was promoted by Edgar Cayce. An alleged psychic and holistic medicine practitioner, who founded the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in 1931, Cayce recommended the use of castor oil to relieve pain and aches. Castor oil (after warming) can be used in the form of a pack or as an infusion, which can be applied on the painful region. Here is how to make a castor oil poultice and use it.
For preparing the oil pack, first you will have to heat the castor oil. Take four to five tablespoons (or as per your requirement) of castor oil and warm it.
Once the oil has warmed, soak a piece of flannel or woolen cloth in it. The thicker the cloth, the better it is. Allow the cloth to remain in oil, till it is completely soaked.
Place the cloth on the affected joint and secure it with a plastic wrap. Apply a heating pad to the oil pack, for even distribution of heat to the joint.
The warmth of the oil and cloth will relax the muscles and alleviate the pain. Repeat this process for about an hour, two or three times, till you find relief. You can also use this method to cure aches in any other part of the body.
Therapeutic Properties of Castor Oil

Warm castor oil, when rubbed on the affected regions, is known to relax the muscles and ease the pain. An infusion of castor oil with camphor, garlic, whole peppercorns and any other spice, if applied on the aching joints can heal the pain. Rubbing the oil in circular motion, on the sore joints generates heat. This in turn improves blood circulation in the sore joint and triggers the lymphatic system to reduce inflammation and pain, thereby relaxing the muscles. This oil is also an excellent remedy when it comes to treating disorders like arthritis, rheumatism and osteoporosis. However, do not rub castor oil if the skin is broken or cracked, since it can cause inflammation and burning sensation.

Due to its many, wonderful benefits, castor oil has been advocated by many doctors around the world to be used as a pain reliever. Castor oil, when used in moderation, with its medicinal properties can treat and relieve joint pain and other maladies. Keeping these beneficial uses in mind, castor oil has aptly been named as, "The oil that heals."
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/can-castor-oil-relieve-joint-pain.html

Castor Oil for Skin Care

Castor oil is obtained from the seeds of the castor oil plant, and has plenty of health benefits. Its remarkable healing abilities can treat a variety of conditions naturally. 

This unique substance has been thoroughly investigated for its medicinal use and is recommended for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems like dysentery and constipation. 

More importantly, it is a popular healing agent for various skin problems.