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Wednesday 26 February 2014

How to Relieve Constipation With Castor Oil

How to Relieve Constipation With Castor Oil

Saturday 15 February 2014

Castor Oil Packing Benefits

credits to : http://www.nutritionfriend.com/Castor-Oil-Packing-Benefits/I38.htm

Castor Oil Packing Benefits

castor oil pack is an external application of castor oil placed onto the skin to enhance circulation and to promote the healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin. It can be used to improve liver function, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and to improve digestion. 

The History of Castor Oil Packing finds Edgar Cayce who was a "Medical Intuitive" as well as being a simple man with an astonishing gift! He would be able to go into deep hypnotic trances and prescribe medical treatments for people with all types of illnesses, some of them life-threatening. 

The Edgar Cayce readings recommend castor oil packs to improve assimilations, eliminations and circulation (especially of the lymphatic system). Although this therapy may seem unusual, it is one of the best documented of the Cayce therapies and offers profound results! They are both soothing and healing as they magnify light straight into vital organs, it is like having an internal hug. 

The function of the packs is to improve blood flow, which is why they are very successful when used to assist natural detox and weight loss programs. The most popular of the packs is where it is applied to the liver and or lower abdomen. This would be performed at least three times per week for sixty minutes each time to improve blood flow. 

This regimen should be followed for at least three months and then can be tapered to once a week. 
Packs should not be used if you are bleeding heavily, pregnancy or menstruating.

How to make a Castor Oil pack

Take the piece of organic cotton wool flannel and fold it into 3 thickness's. Put it in a pan (like a large disposable baking pan) and pour castor oil on it. Saturate the whole flannel, and leave it until it is well-saturated. When you use it, you want it saturated, but not dripping. 

The size you want for use is about 12 x 18 inches (or the same as your hot water bottle or heating pad). After each use, you will probably need to add a little morecastor oil

You can use the pack many times (up to 30). 
After using it, you can store it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. 

Where to Place the Castor Oil Pack

This will depend on what the problem is. In general, it should be on the right side of the body covering the abdomen area, extending from a little above the bottom of the sternum (breastbone) to about 4 inches below the navel. It should go from the navel around the body on the right side as far to the side as you can get it. Basically, cover as much of your right side as you can (so we target the liver). 

Saying that, packs can be applied to any problem areas, i.e. the throat for a sore throat, groin etc... they can be particularly effective when applied directly to problem areas for cysts and growths. What is important is that packs are followed up with the relevant technique to make sure that the toxins moved by the pack are safely removed from the body via the correct routes - this is vital for healing to occur, an enema would be a recommended follow up technique for castor oil packing.

When and How to use a Castor Oil Pack

Use the pack in the evening, as you are resting before bed (it really helps you sleep). You can spread out a large plastic garbage bag on the bed (I never do but…), so that the castor oil won"t leak onto the bed. Fold a towel (that you will use only for castor oil packs, because the oil is almost impossible to wash out completely). Then put the heating pad on top of the towel. 

Many readings say that it is important to heat the pack before you put it on yourself (I never do that either). One way is to heat it in the oven on a "low" temperature setting. Another way is to put the pack on top of the heating pad or hot water bottle. Let it warm up for a few minutes. 

Lie down on your back on the plastic bag (or just stand up and chuck it on). Place the pack on your abdomen (making sure that you are covering the right side especially under the breast)… then wrap cling film (the non-pvc type) over the top of that (best to wrap it around yourself if you can) and then place a towel over the area… then the heating pad or hot water bottle on top of that – best to wear some old crappy clothes too or at least tee shirt… this way you can relax and chill watching TV if you like or just lie down and read in bed? 

Always put an old towel on the sofa or bed though; you can lie on a plastic bag but it feels nasty I think… If you are using a heating pad have the control within easy reach of your hand, because you may need to adjust it so the pack is not too hot or too cold. It should be very warm, but not so hot it burns you. Be careful! If you"re not sure how hot is safe, start with a slightly warm session and work up to a warmer one. If it"s not warm enough, it may help to rest your arms and hands on the towel to press the pack onto your body. 

Keep the pack on for 1 to 1 ½ hours. Have a paper towel handy to wipe the oil off you when you get up, and be careful not to get any on the bed or sofa. You can make up a solution of baking soda in warm water (2 teaspoons to a quart), and use paper towels or a sponge with the baking soda solution to clean off the castor oil. You might also want to take a shower with soap after that. 

Use the pack for 3 days in a row. On the 4th day it"s GREAT and best to do acoffee enema in the morning to get rid of all that you have released from the packing. Then take a break for 4 days, and repeat. Do this for 3 weeks and then take the 4th week off. 

When not to Castor oil pack!

Please note: Do not castor oil pack during menstruation, pregnancy or when bleeding. 

Monday 10 February 2014

Castor Oil orally has CURED bloating...


Credits to : http://curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=808003

by RN San2006  7y

OK. I wanted to write this email for a long time ( 1.5 years).
I have been plagued with sluggish digestion, incomplete evacuation and BLOATING for almost 1.5 years. The problem started when I weaned my daughter from breast ( mid 2005). For the 2 years she was nursing, I maintained a slim figure. When I weaned her off the breast, all of a sudden I started gaining weight around my abdominal area. I was not "eliminating well."
I went to a lot of doctors, had lots of tests and nothing wrong was found in me. I started looking for 'cause of my sudden bloating' on the internet, when the doctors and western medicin failed me. I found Curezone and my search began.
At first I self-diagnosed myself as some Candida problem. I strictly followed the Candida diet, took lots of probiotics and anti-fungals. My health continued to detoriate. NO improvement. The bloating was stubborn and there to stay.
I also did a series of Liver Flushes. Because, I thought my Liver might be congested and bile flow inadequate. After 13 flushes done over 6 months, the  bloating was NOT reduced.
I could never gather the courage of doing a MC or any fasting which Barefoot suggests. A lot of people in curezone suggest fasting as a cure, but just could not do it.
Then I tried a CASTOR OIL CLEANSE.http://www.sakthifoundation.org/castor_oil_cleansing.htm In  the first cleanse itself, I felt I could suck in my abdomen, I felt so good. I have done 4-5 CASTOR OIL cleanse 1-2 mths apart. And I can say with confidence that bloating is completely gone and the digestion has improved drastically. I am able to enjoy food once again.
I am talking about taking CASTOR OIL orally, and not packs. I use only cold pressed organic CO. I tried CO packs once and found them to be very messy and not as affective. Plus there is so much wastage of oil.
CO is amazing stuff. I once applied to my cracked heals, and it completely healed in 2 days. I once cured my headache by doing the CO cleanse.I know CO is thick and hard to drink, but our intestines need the cleaning every once in a while, and CO is very effective in the cleansing process. Not sure if it also cleans the Liver, but it definately cleanse the stomach and the intestines.

1. Wake up early in morning on a holiday, and mix 60 ml of CO + 100 ml of Orange Juice, well, in a bottle.
2. Hold the nose and drink the concoction. Immediately pop a mint in my mouth and let go off the nose.
3. I bypass the taste this way. I have not had any vomiting, but sometimes I get the nasty burps, and feel the taste. But thats about it.
4. I can move around the house, do my chores, or just lie down.
5. An hour after, I start drinking lukewarm water, ( as much as I can tolerate). This is to give a hot-wash to my intestines.
6. I start having bowel movements, in an hour or so. I once counted and I had something like 12 BMs with this amount of dose, which lasted for 6-7 hours.
7. I skip breakfast, that day, and have a light lunch like khichidi. I also eat some fruits. Any fruit is good, as they are easily digested.
8. By dinner time I am normal, and can have normal dinner. Although, I still keep it light and healthy( No fried stuff).
9. I feel 100% better next day and diarrhea is gone. I also noticed, that bowels are dark brown coloured, implying that bile flow is adequate.
10. I try to do CO oil cleanse, once a month.

For my last 3 LFs, I combined CO cleanse as well. That is do CO cleanse in morning, follwed by LF that day. But now I am doing only CO flushes. And not doing Liver Flushing. My bloating is seriously gone.
I realise the importance of cleansing out Liver, Stomach and Intestines. If they are not clean, disease is just on its way to bite us. And a bloated tummy is just a sign of sickness. SO I wanted to fix it, by all means.
I have tried a lot of things in the past one year, since I came to Curezone. A anti-candida diet, Coconut Oil, Liver Flushing, SWF, ES purges etc. But nothing has worked like this castor Oil cleanse. One thing, which I stayed away was Enemas/Colonics etc. Never wasted my time /money on those.
So now I am doing CO cleanse ( once a month), cold showers ( every day), drink one liter of lukewarm water with lemon/honey ( evrery morning). I also exercise and try to skin brush. I am 31yrs F, weigh 120lbs.
In my opinion try this CO clease 4-5 times, done evry 2 weeks and see if the size of your tummy goes down. It really went down in my case!!!!

It took me 2-3 CO cleanses before I started noticing that I could really suck in my belly. When after a dozen LFs I was not seeing improvement in my bloating , I had to look elsewhere.
Someone on LF forum, advised me to do CO cleanse, when after 6 flushes, I was still bloated. But I dismissed her advice, as she also told me CO tastes nasty. But then, I relooked at my old posts and tried to give it a shot. And finally something has worked for me.
I hate to take expensive supplements. Even things like oxy-powder and all I am against. I have tried those things and found them to be a sheer waste of money.
So far I have done I thing 4-5 CO cleanses. I plan to do them once a month, if all goes well.

I started LFing to just fix my bloating. I never had any Liver-GB symptoms, and had no idea what it means by a GB attack. ( Like many stories we read in LF forum).
I am self-diagnosing and self-experimenting to find a cure for my probelms. But I try to do my homework and read as much as possible before I do anything.
When I read that CO is so safe, even kids can have it in small amounts, I thought, I should try it.
I have never done any parasite cleanse, but with CO I have elminated some parasite looking things ( red mucousy stuff) . I was baffaled, as I did not think, I could host parasites. I also eliminate a lot of mucus with this cleanse.
I still keep reading to find ways how to further boost my health. I take zero supplements. Have trashed all my  supplements, vitamins, minerals etc. We just need to eat healthy and keep cleaning our pipes(intestines) from time to time.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Most Helpful Customer Reviews from Amazon

68 of 71 people found the following review helpful
quality multi-purpose product

By Catherine on June 16, 2011

When I first purchased this product I bought it in an 8oz. size and it lasted about 3-4 months with me using it for many purposes, so I decided to step up to the 32oz because of the value and utility I get from this product. 

As a way to keep in moisture right out of the shower (I added essential oils to make it smell good, although without a scent it doesn't smell bad, but I get noodle from it. lol) it makes my skin even softer and that softness lasts a really long time. I mix it with some coconut oil that I have and apply it to my legs after shaving, and this soothes them and makes them shiny.

I also use it in my hair to seal in moisture/ bring in moisture, and it makes it soft and I feel like it has also made my hair thicker as well (I'm black and have natural hair, 4a-4b). I also apply it to my eyelashes and I think they have benefited (longer, more volume), I apply it to my eyebrows also to make them lay the way I want them to! I really enjoy this product.

Amazon Verified Purchase
I have been using this product for over 2 months now and so far the results are great!Skin- by washing your face and then putting a warm rag/cloth on your face for a few minutes and then gently rubbing a LITTLE bit of this Castor Oil all over your face.. it will definitely help to clear up acne.

It is not a miracle worker, but if you give it time and don't use too much it will improve the look of your skin (hopefully) it did for me. I am on BC so my face is always breaking out because of the hormones, but I noticed with this it calmed it down and gave my skin a nice glow. 

BEWARE: since Castor oil promotes hair growth give your skin a break so you don't grow a beard or just use some hair removing stuff.<< apparently it wasn't clear this was an exaggeration and you will not literally grow a beard>>I also rub Castor oil on the bottom of my feet before going to bed.

I have never used anything that made my feet this soft! It's amazing.Hair- I heat a small amount of this up and then rub it through my hair trying to get to the roots and then put a shower cap on and let it sit for about 15 minutes before I take a shower and shampoo and condition like normal.

It has made my hair extremely soft and shiny! I have not noticed much thickness in my hair because I have not been consistent and using it, but we shall see.
It has been great for eyebrows! I put a little on at night and sometimes during the day if I am not going anywhere. I have noticed it has helped to regrow some hair where it has been a little

Miracle Oil
By William E. Davis on November 2, 2011

Size Name: 32 oz
I tore my rotator cuff years ago, and the surgeon looked at the MRI and ordered three separate surgeries. I wanted a second opinion. 

I went to a sports medicine massage therapist, and she offered an alternative: Massage to put the muscles and ligaments in the right place, then a Castor Oil regimen to get the inflammation out of the shoulder so the body could heal it.

I started with 10 degrees of motion, and finished two months later with 100% range of motion thanks to the Castor Oil twice a week and some simple 'dangle and swing' the arm exercises.Since then, I've used it to get rid of bruises, sore muscles, stop my eyes from burning, heal almost any kind of skin problems, and after so many successes, I became an evangelist for Castor Oil.

One of my friends came back to life from fighting intestinal lesions that he can now ignore thanks to abdominal hot packs with Castor Oil. I'm improving how much hair grows on top of my head using a 50-50 mix of Castor Oil and Witch-hazel (to thin it out a bit so it spreads easier), and it works.

I play guitar, partly due to the supple hands provided by Castor Oil treatments wherein I put my hands in rubber gloves with Castor Oil, and then use heating pads, and my hands feel like those of a 20-year old, tho I'm nearly 60. It also reduces the three fingers I have with trigger finger.I know that many people cook with castor Oil,. but I have not tried it, but I plan to. I'm confident that CO can help with things like eshophigal eruptions, heartburn, and on and on and on...